October Newsletter 2021

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The churchyard looks splendid following the annual Haymaking, which took place on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 August. Nearly 20 people were involved across the two days and worked hard to clear summer growth. The picture on the cover page shows some of the Friday haymakers. Several wasp spiders were discovered during the haymaking. Colin reports that this spider was first found in the south of England in 1922 and has been steadily advancing northwards, now being recorded in both Suffolk and Norfolk. They are apparently ‘all show and no venom’!

Wrapped Love Boxes and starter contents will be available every Sunday (excluding Harvest) up until 17 October. Please return them filled by, or on, Sunday 24 October, when they will be blessed by Canon John Fellows at the commencement of the service. This is the final year Margaret will be the organiser of the Christmas Love Box Scheme. Please speak to her or one of the Church Wardens if you are interested in taking on this worthwhile job.

The PCC met at the beginning of September to conduct routine business. At the meeting Malcolm (Fabrics Officer) was able to report that the lime mortar repointing repairs to the south wall and the porch are now complete.

The church was full for the funeral of Alan Bartram on 23 August and he would certainly have appreciated the powerful singing.

A congregation of more than 40 people was welcomed to Barsham for the Benefice Service on Sunday 30 August.

Food Bank donations in August numbered 163 items. Grateful thanks to those who contribute.

Sunday collections in August amounted to the fine sum of £1,504. Separately, thanks are also due to Doreen Springall, whose farmgate stall of garden produce has yielded a wonderful £165 so far this year.

The visitors’ guidebook to Barsham Church, written by the Rev John Buchanan in 2005 and revised by him in 2016, is currently under a new revision and is being updated with additional information prior to reprinting later this year.


Monday 25 September at 3pm: Memorial Service for Nony Ollerenshaw.

Sunday 26 September and Sunday 24 October: returning to pre-pandemic routine, the Sales Table will be open after the service every fourth Sunday of the month for the sale of second-hand books, plants and produce. Please do bring – and buy!

Friday 22 October: The annual Friends of All Saints, Mettingham Inter-Church Quiz will take place at 7pm on Friday 22 October at Mettingham Village Hall. Teams of four people are welcome to enter at £10 per team. If you would like to enter a ready-made team, please contact one of the church wardens (contact details on front cover), or if you would like to take part but don’t already have a team, please contact one of the church wardens, who will do their best to make up some teams.