September Newsletter 2021



We are very sorry to report the recent deaths of two faithful members of our congregation, Nony Ollerenshaw and Alan Bartram, both of whom enjoyed a long association with Barsham Church. Nony continued to read the lesson in church until just before her 100th birthday, the celebration of which she shared with her friends in church. She was much missed when she moved north to be near her daughter. For many years Alan was our organist and then a member of the choir. He sat on the PCC and worked tirelessly behind the scenes. He took a particular pride in keeping the brasses shining. He was always ready to take on extra jobs or to help colleagues and he too will be much missed.

With the long-awaited relaxation of Covid restrictions, masks need not be worn in church, congregational singing has been restored, Communion is offered in two kinds, and refreshments are once again served after services. Seating is available in the north chapel for those who prefer to maintain social distancing.

The Christmas Love Box Scheme will be operating again this year. The Love Box Wrapping Team will meet in the church at 2pm on Tuesday 31 August to prepare this year’s shoe boxes. The scheme will launch on Sunday 5 September and run until late October, excluding Harvest Festival Sunday.

This is the final year Margaret will be the organiser. Please speak to her or one of the Church Wardens if you are interested in taking on this worthwhile job.

Food Bank donations in July numbered 195 items. Thank you as always for your kind contributions.

Sunday collections in June amounted to £825 in total.

The Summer Lunch was enjoyed by over 60 guests and raised the record sum of £925. Special thanks to our hosts Jenny and Nick Caddick for their hospitality at St Bartholomew’s, Shipmeadow and a big thanks to everyone who cooked and helped with the practical arrangements, as well as to all who supported the event by attending.

Some of the masonry on the south side of the church is being repointed by Theo Wells of Limeworks East Anglia, who specialise in Listed building repair. Do feel free to say ‘hello’ to Theo, who is from Mettingham.

New volunteers for the cleaning rota would be appreciated. If you can help, please contact one of the Churchwardens.


Sunday 5 September: the Sales Table will be open after the service for the sale of second-hand books, plants and food products.

Saturday 11 September: Suffolk Historic Churches Trust RIDE AND STRIDE, 9am to 5pm. Helpers are needed for signing-in duties at the church on the day and more cyclists would be appreciated to enable us to raise as much sponsorship money as possible: it would be lovely to beat last year’s tremendous effort!

Cheryl is looking for someone to succeed her as Area Organiser of Ride and Stride. Please contact her on 07788971211 or 01502 714655 if you would like to find out more about becoming the new Area Organiser or if you can be a helper on the day.

Sunday 19 September 5.30pm: HARVEST EVENSONG (not 6.30pm as previously advertised). The Rt Rev Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough, will preach and join us afterwards at our Harvest Supper in Barsham Village Hall. HARVEST SUPPER for ticket-holders is at 7 for 7.30pm.

Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 September at 5.50pm: Autumn EQUINOX EVENT with a church tour afterwards for anyone interested. Refreshmentswill be served from 30 minutes beforehand. Weather permitting, the spectacle is best on the middle day, Wednesday 22 September.