July Newsletter 2024


It was with considerable sadness that we heard from Revd Josh that he is to resign as a minister in the Church of England and will lead his last Sunday service at Barsham on Sunday 4th August. Prior to addressing his congregations in person, Revd Josh wrote to the PCCs at Barsham and Bungay/Mettingham to explain his decision, and he has asked that this same message be printed in the July Newsletter. It appears below.

The last Wednesday Matins for the time being will be on 3rd July, after which there will be a pause during the interregnum.

The Prime Minister’s Office has announced that the King has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Mike Harrison, Suffragan Bishop of Dunwich, for election as Bishop of Exeter. Bishop Mike leaves Suffolk at the end of September.

On Trinity Sunday we celebrated our Patronal Festival with Choral Evensong. The choir enriched the service with a Schubert anthem and there was fizz and good company afterwards. Grateful thanks to Revd Jonathan for standing in at very short notice.

Archdeacon Sally Gaze, Archdeacon for Rural Mission in this diocese, will be preaching at Sunday service on 23rd June.

The Deanery Synod is to be held at Barsham Church on Monday 24th June at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.

After morning service on Sunday 30th June, Revd Josh will conduct a short ceremony for the interment in the churchyard of the ashes of the late Philip Wills, who was for many years the highly respected organist and choirmaster at Holy Trinity Barsham.

Revd Josh will lead the Benefice Evensong service on Sunday 30th June at 6.30pm at All Saints Mettingham.

With the sound system now installed in the belfry and emitting swift calls, swifts have been seen circling the tower, we hope reconnoitring with a view to nesting next summer.

The May sales table organised by Jenny raised an excellent £130.00.

Thank you for the 152 items donated to the Food Bank in May.


The annual Summer Lunch at St Bartholomew’s Shipmeadow will take place on Wednesday 17th July at the kind invitation of Nick and Jenny Caddick. Tickets will be on sale from Bridget from Sunday 23rd June and there will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church for people to indicate what food they can offer to bring.

Harvest Festival Evensong & Supper will be on Sunday 13th October.

A Message from the Revd Josh Bailey

It is with sadness that I write of my decision to resign as a minister in the Church of England.

I’ve handed in my notice to +Martin, and my last working day will be Saturday 10th August, when I will marry Tom & Robyn. We have found a house in Ditchingham and are hoping to complete on the sale in the next few weeks.

I know this will come as something of a shock; unfortunately, I haven’t found a way of it being anything other than this. I’m sorry if this news is coming only through this means; it would always be my preference to say in person.

The major reason for this change is a strong sense of call for Pippy, me and the children into the Orthodox Church as we have met and got to know two families in Suffolk through homeschooling connections. To quote +Martin in one of his questions to me, I’m not planning to lead an exodus out of the Anglican Church, but would be very happy to discuss the Orthodox Church with anyone who would be interested.

Another contributing factor has been the general direction in which the Church of England is heading. The role of priest / rector is changing from when I was ordained into something that I don’t think I am well equipped to do in good conscience. I think there are ministers who are, and my stepping down is in the hope that this will make way for them to lead you and the Benefice forward.

The decisions and future trajectory regarding the doctrine of marriage have also influenced my decision. There are strong and growing voices in the Church of England hierarchy that are saying ministers holding to the traditional teaching of the Church down the ages will not be welcome in the Church of England going forward. The wonderful arrangement of mutual respect we’ve been able to get to as a Benefice doesn’t seem to be acceptable to some with power and influence on the national scene sadly.

Please do contact me also if you would like to talk further about any of this. Please could you also contact me directly if you would like me to continue to pray for you by name as an Orthodox Christian. The mode of intercession in this Church is primarily naming people regularly in the context of divine services. I would like to do this, but will leave it with you to request it as I appreciate this Church tradition is alien to many people.

Archdeacons Rich & Sally have asked me to assure all churches of their zeal in making this transition as smooth as possible for everyone. They have also said they are available if any of you would like to contact them:

Rich Henderson: [email protected]

Sally Gaze: [email protected]

I have loved serving alongside you all, and firmly believe that this decision is itself borne from love for Jesus and for you, His people.

Love in Him,



Sunday 7th July – Sixth Sunday after Trinity. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). RevdJonathan Olanczuk.

Sunday 14th July – Seventh Sunday after Trinity. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Canon John Fellows.

Sunday 21st July – Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). RevdJonathan Olanczuk.

Sunday 28th July – Ninth Sunday after Trinity. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Revd Desmond Banister.

Wednesday 3rd July at 8.45am – Matins. Revd Josh Bailey.

Church correspondent: Robert Bacon 07867 306016, [email protected]