Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 15 mins
St Nicholas
Aberfeldy Street Poplar, E14 0NU, United Kingdom

A quiet said service as the day begins. Everyone is welcome, and the church remains open for chat and refreshments until 10:00am

St Nicholas

Welcome to Saint Nicholas Church, Poplar. We are one of the Church of England churches in the Parish of Poplar (see the All Saints page for details of contacts and services there). St Nicholas is a small, peaceful and welcoming church. We believe church is for everybody of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. Whoever you are, you'd be most welcome. 

The best times to come along are...

We gather for Mass at St Nick's (as it's known) on Sundays at 11am or at noon on Thursdays and we have an All-Age Mass (specifically for children of primary school age) at 5.30pm on a Wednesday.

If you'd like to join us for Morning Prayer or just for a cup of coffee and a chat then you are very welcome to join us on Wednesday and Friday mornings between 8.30am and 10am.

Our 'stay and play' group for babies, toddlers and their carers - Tiny Tots - is on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 10am-12 noon.

To talk to a priest, ask about the Christian faith or to discuss baptisms, weddings or funerals please contact:

Team Vicar: Revd Matt Wall - [email protected], 07764 823266

Assistant Curate: Revd Evonne Galloway - [email protected].

If you'd like to hire our hall then please email [email protected]

You can find out more on our parish website:

Get in touch

What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 15 mins
St Nicholas
Aberfeldy Street Poplar, E14 0NU, United Kingdom

A quiet said service as the day begins. Everyone is welcome, and the church remains open for chat and refreshments until 10:00am