Sing for Joy, sing for fun!We meet every Monday afternoon 1 – St John the Baptist Church meeting room,£2.00 per session including refreshments.Any age, any ability most welcome.We would really like to expand our gentlemen’ssection, to enable us to widen our repertoire.Contact: Lynne Tandy 07743 052065
Place of Welcome -Every Tuesday between 11am – 1pm, company and refreshments for all! Dog friendly.Murder Mystery Night on Saturday 27th July at 7pm-Free admission (although donations would be welcomed)Bring your own drinks and nibblesComplimentary tea & coffeeRaffleGarden Party - Wednesday 14th August 2pm £3 entry (incl. tea/coffee & cake)Quiz Night - Saturday 17th August details to followPraise & Worship - every last Friday of the month between 7-8pmChanging Room Counselling Service -A FREE Professional Counselling Service providing assistance to anyone over 18who is strugglingwith grief and/or other emotional, psychological and chronic problems.CALL OR TEXT 07566768228to arrange an appointment.Appointments must be booked in advance.Face-to-face sessions take place atChurch of the Holy Spirit on Tuesday and Friday mornings.We offer online and ‘phone sessions for people who are housebound or unable to attend in person.