Facilities and features


Located in church hall next to the church

Located in church hall next to the church

During main services the school car park opposite is open, otherwise parking on the street

Located in church hall next to the church

On church forecourt

Access to the church has now been levelled and there are no restrictions.

There is a hearing loop in the nave and Lady Chapel

Available on request


Wheelchair access

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass
Eco Church
Warm Space

St Augustine's is a listed building, built in the 1820s. The original St Augustine's used to be located over the road opposite. It is known as the Old Chancel today. There has been a church located on the site since the 900s.

Music and Worship

If you would like to join the bell ringers, or the choir, email [email protected]

Concerts / Live Music

Choir practice is at 6.00pm every Friday evening. WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU WANTED TO JOIN US! Contact our Choir Director Stephen Carlston

Groups, Courses and Activities

"Adam's Return" a group for men making sense of life. Next gathering: 8.30am (cooked breakfast!, donation of £3 to cover costs) - 11.00am. Email [email protected] for more information.

Coffee morning

Coffee and Craft - Tuesday mornings10.0a.m. - 1200a.m. Bring along your own crafts. All welcome

New in 2018: Counselling sessions held St St Augustine's by qualified Counsellors.
Email [email protected]

New in 2018 we will be holding a weekly befriending and recovery friendly group at St Augustine's. Look for up dates

Help for Visitors

Free wifi
Church Open

Other Features


Email [email protected] or call 01889 574157 (leave a message if office closed) and we will return calls as soon as possible.