Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The running of St. Mary’s, Mildenhall is the joint responsibility of the Reverend Susan Leathley and the Parochial Church Council (PCC), which is made up of elected representatives from our congregation. Key duties of the PCC are promoting the mission of the Church in the parish and to be responsible for the financial affairs of the Church and the care and maintenance of the building fabric and its contents.

Following the 2023, Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) the PCC (Trustees of the Church) was confirmed as:

Reverend Susan Leathley

Andrew Borrett (Churchwarden)

Carole Sinclair (Churchwarden)

Jane Busuttil  (PCC Treasurer)

Susan Howard

Jill Nunn

Sandra Smith

Matt Fenne 

Brian Sinclair 

Joanne Wilcox

Vicki Morten (PCC Secretary)

Our PCC meets regularly (approximately 10 times a year) to discuss matters about the life of the Church. Apart from finance and buildings, it considers the Church's mission and involvement in the community, support of missionary work, the social life and activities of the Church, the spiritual development of the congregation and our worship.

If you would like to find out more about the PCC or are interested in joining, please get in touch.