Related Churches
St Paul's Chichester
St Paul’s is an open-minded community of faith, and our life together is centred on the main Sunday Eucharist at 10am. The church itself is light and spacious, and our worship is enhanced by a superb choir of both adults and children. During the Eucharist our thriving Sunday School meets in the adjacent parish centre, and we are proud that our congregation includes a wide age span, from nine months to ninety (plus) years. We value both traditional and modern hymns, thoughtful preaching and the resources of Common Worship. The laying-on of hands for healing is always available at the end of the service.
We strongly affirm the ordained ministry of women, and try to ensure that our life together is an expression of God’s generous and inclusive love.
St Peter's, Westhampnett
St Peter's is a beautiful medieval church in the village of Westhampnett to the east of Chichester.
The church is open daily for private prayer.
Both the church and its surrounding churchyard provide a tranquil spot for prayer and reflection.
Message from the Vicar
We are delighted to be able to keep St Peter's open. If you have a moment, do go in. There is a Prayer Requests Book on the table by the font - if you have a prayer request please write it in the book and we will offer it at our weekly services. There is also the opportunity to light a candle.
Do come and join us.
Every blessing
The Revd Rachel Hawes
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