As he begins his ministry with us, here is a little more information from Mark himself. "I am a Suffolk lad, having been born in Ipswich to parents who were living in Hadleigh at the time, and I am the eldest of 5. My early years were spent all around the country as my fathers job meant that we moved every couple of years, but eventually we settled back to Suffolk living in Sudbury, so I know this part of the world reasonably well. I didn’t come from a particularly religious family, my grandmother was a Methodist and I attended a Catholic Prep School, but that was about the extend of my knowledge of Christianity. I did enjoy singing and that eventually led me to assist at my local church where I sang for weddings to boost the choir numbers – back then I was give a £1 a wedding and we could often have 3 or 4 weddings each Saturday during the summer – so given the choice of singing or getting up a having a paper round the singing one out! After some time, I was invited to also sing on Sunday mornings (although that only paid 50p) but it was there that I began my personal faith journey, and was fortunate to have some adults who were willing to listen and to answer the questions of an enquiring teenager. Around the age of 13 or 14 I began to have a sense that God was calling me to be a Priest, however, I ruled that out for as far as I was concerned Priests were “near saintly, good and holy people” and that wasn’t how I saw myself (and still don’t!) – so as a result I avoided a growing sense of vocation until my mid-thirties, by which point I was enjoying a good career as a Commercial Property and Liability Underwriter in the City, a job which eventually found me setting up, training and leading a team in India, a job which I thoroughly loved and one which found me spending a lot of time living and working there and one which influences my understanding of God and his love for all creation to this day. It is also a country which I still return to as often as life and finances permit, and one to which in my spare time (and when COVID isn’t around) I regularly lead both faith and discovery tours, in the same way as I also lead pilgrimages to the Holy Land. After much running away, I eventually offered myself for Ordination and was selected. This meant giving up a successful and lucrative career and going back to being a full-time mature student. I trained for ordination at Ripon College Cuddesdon on the outskirts of Oxford, where at the same time I had the privilege of Reading Theology at the University of Oxford. Having spent most of my adult life trying to get away from Suffolk, after College I was invited to accept a curacy back in Suffolk, indeed just a few miles down the road from where I used to live. So for the next two and half years I became the first full time curate to Lavenham and Preston St Mary for many years and was grateful for the support and opportunities to learn and to experiment as I learned, I sincerely hope, to be a good pastoral priest. At the end of my curacy I was encouraged to apply for the Stoke by Nayland Benefice where I have been for close to five years, nurturing and encouraging what was two separate benefices of five separate and distinct churches, to come together as one, recognising the uniqueness of each place, sharing gifts and talents, reaching out to the wider community, nurturing disciples and encouraging lay ministry in many shapes and forms. As I join the Stour Valley Benefice, I am both excited and nervous about what God has in store for all of us as we continue to respond to his call on our lives and as we are guided by the Holy Spirit to make Jesus known to all who will open their hearts to him. I would ask that you hold me in your prayers, just as I will be holding you all, and I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all in the weeks and months to come. God Bless and stay safe and well. Mark"
St Mary’s Church News With the first lockdown the Churches were required to shut their doors for Services and many developed online alternatives at that time. This time the Churches have been given local discretion as to whether to keep open within the general guidance. In Cavendish, there has been a low incidence rate of the virus but with a significantly higher age profile than nationally we feel the time has come to temporarily shut the building and continue services online. These are being provided by The Revd Simon Hill our Acting Rural Dean during the Interregnum, with help from his churches in Suffolk Heights and some from Clare. <img align="left" height="266" hspace="12" src="file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_1" width="355">Even though Christmas seems a long time ago, the Church was beautifully decorated by the St Mary’s Flower Arrangers and we are grateful to them and the Illuminators for their decoration of the yew bush near the main entrance of the church as well as for their Star of Bethlehem hanging at the top of the tower, (not the scaffolding as last year) which has looked splendid right over the Christmas period. It was lovely to have some normality to Christmas even though we could not sing carols. Rodney provided the music which we could hum along to – but it was not quite the same as normal. The collection of £170 at the Comfort and Joy Service on the 20<sup>th</sup> Dec was given to Gatehouse in Bury, which helps the vulnerable and those in need. The Christmas food bank donations were given to Reach in Haverhill. You may have noticed that the clock on the tower and its chimes stopped just before Christmas and again after it. It turned out to be a relay in the electrified windup mechanism of the main pendulum drive. This was installed in 1981 and must have switched every fifteen minutes since then i.e., about 1.4 million times. This is well beyond the 1 million in the guarantee! Now that has been replaced as with the two others in the chime mechanism, so we hope for another good run before any more breakdowns. Most of the Tower Restoration work was completed by last April, but there are a few finishing off tasks which are only being done now. These includes replacing the rusted metal grills in the tower staircase window openings to keep pigeons and other birds out and sorting out the failed plaster work at the back of the church. Both should be completed before February. We are now looking at what it would take to replace much of the lighting in the building. In some cases the old is of 1933 vintage, and now harbours obsolete power bulbs, particularly in the chancel where only 50% of the bulbs are working. We also need better lights for visiting choirs at the front of the nave, and the Bell Ringers’ room need to have an emergency light that comes on instantly or is already on when there is a power cut and the Bell Ringers are a full stretch. We don’t want anyone dragged up to the ceiling. In February we welcome the Revd Mark Woodrow as the new rector of our Benefice. There was an article introducing himself in last month’s magazine which I recommend. He hasn’t come far, from Stoke by Nayland in fact. We hope he will fit in well with our village and its primary school. Simon Hill will be particularly relieved when Mark Woodrow takes over as rector in February but has done a great job with his wife Barbara. She has taken a number of services herself during the interregnum. We have also benefitted from the Rev Marianne Atkinson and Canon Mark Hayworth who have significantly assisted in this period. Graham Jenkin (Church Warden) Light of the world, shine wherever there is darkness today. Where there is pain and sorrow, may the brilliance of your love bring joy. Where there is sickness and suffering, may your healing touch bring sunshine after the storm. Nick Fawcett