10.30am Family Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Michael's Fulwell
Wilcox Road Teddington, TW11 0SP, United Kingdom

Everyone's welcome to our morning service! We start with tea, coffee and refreshments at 10am, and the service itself begins at 10.30am. After a time together, children's groups are provided during the rest of the service (creche, Building Blocks for toddlers, Sunday Club for 4-10s and Animate for 11-14s).

St Michael's Fulwell

You are very welcome here at St Michael's - we're a ten-year-old congregation in a revitalised 110-year-old building! As a gospel-centred community, our prayer is to see every life following Jesus in Fulwell, Teddington and beyond.

We'd love to see you at one of our Sunday services - come at 10.30am or 5.15pm.

Get in touch

Babette Bullock, Administrator

Wilcox Road

TW11 0SP
Babette, Administrator
020 8263 0784

Our website

What's on

10.30am Family Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Michael's Fulwell
Wilcox Road Teddington, TW11 0SP, United Kingdom

Everyone's welcome to our morning service! We start with tea, coffee and refreshments at 10am, and the service itself begins at 10.30am. After a time together, children's groups are provided during the rest of the service (creche, Building Blocks for toddlers, Sunday Club for 4-10s and Animate for 11-14s).


We take the care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and work hard to ensure that we operate in line with current best practice, as recommended by the Diocese of London and the Church of England. We believe the care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a safer Church for all.

The PCC of St Michael's Fulwell adopts the Safeguarding Policy Statement of the Church of England that was agreed and published by the House of Bishops in their Policy Statements 'Promoting a Safer Church' (2017) and 'Protecting All God's Children' (2010) as summarised in the 'Promoting a Safer Diocese' policy document from the Diocese of London (2018).

For details and contacts please click here

St Michael's Fulwell Charity No. 1184231