About Us

Welcome to our parish website. We are one of eight Churches and have recently joined the Carlford Benefice. The Reverend Mark Cresswell is the Benefice Rector. A warm welcome awaits in any of the Churches within the Carlford group of Churches and at St. Botolph's Culpho you are free to visit our church anytime from the 19th July 2021.

Culhpo has a BCP communion at 9.30am on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and a BCP service of Evening Prayer at 3pm on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

We are delighted to help with any requests for blessings, christenings, weddings or funerals. We have an open door policy. 

If you have any pastoral needs or prayer requests, do please get in touch. Also let us know if you are able to help us with any aspect of our church life. Whether it is flower arranging, gardening, cleaning, refreshments or help with local needs or with our services, we would love to have your help.

We wish you every blessing and look forward to welcoming you at one of our services or events. 

Please contact Churchwarden Richard Garnham on 01473 738139 if you need any assistance.