Related Churches
Gipping, The Chapel of St Nicholas
Our church is open daily for visitors. We hold an Evensong service once a month on the 1st Sunday at 3pm (2.30pm in December and January due to light).
Refreshments are often served after the service.
A Coffee Morning, Mini Fete and Carols by Candlelight are highlights of the year.
You will always receive a warm welcome at any of our services or events or just come and look round. The Church is always open during daylight hours
Cotton, St Andrew
The church is usually opened for visitors daily.
Old Newton, St Mary
Set on the edge of the village, you have to make a small climb to reach us; but it's well worth it; there is always a welcome to all here.
There is limited off-road parking, but usually plenty of room along the verge as well.
Wyverstone, St George
A small but warm and welcoming church, in the heart of the village of Wyverstone. Open for visitors every day.
We hold one service a month, on the 1st Sunday at 6.30pm. It is a friendly and relaxed service of praise.
Bacton, St Mary the Virgin
Welcome to St Mary the Virgin, Bacton, Suffolk. The building of St Mary's dates from the 14th and 15th century and provides a place of Christian worship and fellowship. We gather here as a warm and welcoming community and would love you to join us on our journey of friendship for those in need of comfort, love, help and support.
Sign up to our weekly newsletter and become part of our family by copying the link below and pasting it in the search bar at the top of your page and fill in the form. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our family.
Our service information is now posted under services and events but for quick information all services are at 9.30 am
1st Sunday - Family service
2nd Sunday - Holy Communion
3rd Sunday - Cafe Church
4th Sunday - All age Communion
Our Carol Service is on Sunday 17th December at 4.00 pm.
Christingle Service is Sunday 24th December at 4.00 pm.
Location information
If you've spotted any issues in the contact information, please contact the church by selecting the following link.
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