Combs and Finborough Benefice

Onehouse is in a group with six other churches, which form the Combs and Finborough Benefice.

The seven churches share clergy and have a common focus to their worship, but have different styles of worship to appeal to a wide range of preferences.

The churches in the Combs and Finborough benefice

Combs, St Mary

Buxhall, St Mary

Great Finborough, St Andrew

Harleston, St Augustine of Canterbury

Little Finborough, St Mary

Onehouse, St John the Baptist

Shelland, King Charles the Martyr

You will be made most welcome at any of the churches in our group.

On the benefice page you can see a little about the other churches and visit their websites.

For a full list of Services in the benefice is available to download below

Arrangements_for_Services_in_June_2023, PDF
