About Us

A warm welcome to our historic and special church.

At Cotton there is a service every other week  - so please check the website for when these are.

Car parking is on the roadside, and unfortunately there is not a toilet in this church!

Within the Benefice there is always a service suited to accommodating younger ages; the website gives more information.

Our priorities are to:

Follow Daily, Tread Gently: to grow and sustain our faith, witness and worship whilst protecting and preserving God’s creation. We will learn to follow Jesus more closely, as a church, aiming to be true to our beliefs every day of the week. As we go, we will care for and protect all that God has given us.

Care Deeply: to respond to those in need. We will go out of our way to listen to our communities, to challenge injustice, to support the weak, protect the vulnerable and to transform our communities.

Grow Boldly: to continue to develop our provision for children and families, to grow in number and in love. We will be bold in sharing our faith with others, nurturing new disciples and offering a welcome to all.