

A message from your Vicar

We wish to assure you that as a church we are constantly monitoring and updating our practices regarding COVID-19. We receive frequent updates and guidance from the Church of England and the diocese of St. Edmundsbury, which we respond to immediately. Following the Government announcement, we are cancelling all our services and meetings. - please frequently check our website and Facebook pages for any updates/changes.

Following our suggestion that we all watch Songs of Praise today we are going to increase options to join in together with worship for next Sunday March 29th. As well as repeating the option of Songs of Praise (1.15pm on BBC 1) we are experimenting with…….. Kesgrave “Zoom” Church at 10.00am! Using the video conferencing site (which we have subscribed to) we will be posting more details, a link and instructions on our Website and Facebook during the week. It should also help us to sing, pray and listen to a sermon I will prepare.

I pray that the thought that we are watching together would unite us in prayer and worship. As before, I would also encourage you to post and "like" posts during the service.

I have now produced two “Thoughts For Our Times” and (amazingly to me) these seem to have been very well received! Apparently you can subscribe to get updates about future “episodes”. They can be accessed through this website or here

To help us communicate with each other our Ministry Team will be using Zoom for Morning Prayer and a Staff Meeting each Monday

Look out for the Prayer, Listening and Practical Support Schemes that are coming into practice this week.

At the moment we are still allowing funerals at All Saints. Having said that the number that are allowed to attend is very low and the suggestion is that a basic funeral can be followed by a Thanksgiving Service later in the year. I want to reassure those who can’t attend that to simply remember their loved one at home during the time of the service is both itself appropriate and also what that loved one would want them to do.

Please be assured that the community of Kesgrave is continually in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.


A prayer for this time of difficulty...

Keep us, good Lord,

under the shadow of your mercy.

Sustain and support the anxious,

be with those who care for the sick,

and lift up all who are brought low;

that we may find comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love

in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.