
Every Sunday at for 2 hours
St Mary Stoke, Ipswich
Stoke Street Ipswich, IP2 8BX, United Kingdom

We are longing for all to know the goodness of God - to find both the peace and transformation that we are called into. This is a relaxed time to worship and to find your unique way in this world. There will be acoustic praise, prayer, a talk, refreshments, space for young people and adults to relax and enjoy yourselves. Come and be yourself, come and find a church family who want you to know you belong.

We gather together on Sundays at 6pm during in Term-Time.

St Mary Stoke, Ipswich

Whether you are new to faith or you are already a committed follower of Jesus, there is space for you to grow in faith at St Mary’s Stoke, Ipswich. Join a Worship Service, come to one of our Groups, get involved in our Community & Social Events, and check out our what we offer for Children & Families!

Get in touch

Revd. Sophie Cowan

St Mary's Church Stoke
Stoke Street

Revd. Sophie Cowan, Priest-in-charge
Revd. Kay Palmer

Our website

What's on


Every Sunday at for 2 hours
St Mary Stoke, Ipswich
Stoke Street Ipswich, IP2 8BX, United Kingdom

We are longing for all to know the goodness of God - to find both the peace and transformation that we are called into. This is a relaxed time to worship and to find your unique way in this world. There will be acoustic praise, prayer, a talk, refreshments, space for young people and adults to relax and enjoy yourselves. Come and be yourself, come and find a church family who want you to know you belong.

We gather together on Sundays at 6pm during in Term-Time.


At St Mary Stoke we work hard to maintain a safe environment for all.

We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.

If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding safeguarding, please contact:

Parish Priest: Revd. Sophie Cowan - [email protected]

Parish safeguarding officer: Graham Miles - 07413683368

[email protected]

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Karen Galloway - 07785621319 [email protected]

For information on our safeguarding please visit

For Suffolk Diocese's Safeguarding Information:

In the case of an emergency

If you have immediate concerns about someone's safety, please call the police (999) and the local authority.

In Suffolk you can report a concern about a child by calling: 0808 800 4005.

And, you can report a concern about an adult using this link:

Free 24/7 Helplines

Child-line: 0800 1111
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Samaritans Helpline: 116 123

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