Unforgettable Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Tuesday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Mary's Church, Gt Blakenham
Stowmarket Road Gt Blakenham Ipswich, IP6 0LR, United Kingdom

This Service is for anyone who might find a longer Service difficult, but still enjoys praising God, and is suitable for those with dementia and their carers.

Mid Week Said Communion

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

A quiet service for worship, refreshment, and reflection mid week. This service is currently held in the warmth of the attached Church Hall and usually followed by coffee or tea and a chat for those who wish to stay.


Thursday 27 February 2025 at for 45 mins
Claydon & Barham Village Hall
Claydon & Barham Village Hall

A mid-week service in the Village Hall for carers of young children

Once a Month - See In-touch Magazine or ring Rev Jenny on 01473 830205 for details

Drop-in Friday

Every Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

Totally informal drop-in for a cup of tea/coffee and somewhere to be warm and have a chat rather than sit at home. You can stay all morning or just drop in when out for a walk or a drive or just tending a loved one's grave. Dogs are very welcome if under control. An ideal opportunity to peruse the fascinating volumes of photos and history of Barham Church produced by the Church Recorders or the plans for the nearby Barham Meadows housing development . You can also peruse a branch of the Bacon Road Little Library which is hosted at the west end of the Church. This is a free library although for those who wish there is an opportunity to make a donation towards the work of the local Stowmarket and District Foodbank. We acknowledge a warm space grant from from County Councillor Chris Chambers' locality budget which enables us to heat the hall during the 2023/4 winter

Sunday Early Said Holy Communion

Every First, Second, Fourth Sunday at for 50 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

A quiet act of worship held every Sunday with Book of Common Worship. A time for quiet reflection - no hymns. Sung communion is held at 10am most Sundays. Worth checking with THIS MONTH'S NOTICE SHEET as this service is not held on third or fifth Sundays or certain Sundays in December. This service is held in the warmth of the attached Church Hall.

Sunday Worship

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

On 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month this is a Communion service in book of Common Worship format with Gloria and some responses sung as well as hymns . On the 2nd Sunday of each month this is a shorter Non-Eucharistic Morning Worship with Choir and hymns On Mothering Sunday and some other Sunday this will be a more child-friendly Family Communion service. All 10am services are followed by optional fellowship with tea & coffee in adjoining Church hall - a great chance to get to know people and make new friends, if you are new to the Church. The church has a modern audio system with hearing loop throughout. Services are relayed into adjoining hall if you feel you need to escape with young children.

Please Note that when there is a 5th Sunday in the month or on certain Sundays in December this service may be a benefice service held at either Henley or Gt Blakenham. Also on Remembrance Sunday the service starts at 10:30am to include the 2 minutes silence at 11am. Check "The Monthly notice sheet" via the menu on the left for details.

On 5th Sundays and certain Sundays in December this may be a benefice Service at either Henley or Gt Blakenham - Please Check THE MONTHLY NOTICE SHEET

Families @ 4.30

Sunday 02 March 2025, Sunday 11 May 2025, Sunday 01 June 2025, Sunday 13 July 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

This is a very relaxed Sunday evening event including crafts etc, short lively worship and a meal. It is aimed at families with young children from babies to young teenagers but all are welcome. We hold this on the first Sunday of every month apart from August. As we plan crafts and a sit down meal we appreciate knowing who is coming and any allegies etc. In July we have a barbecue for which we join with the rest of Church. If you plan to come any month please email [email protected] with your family details. However if you just turn up you will be made very welcome. Our aim is that you will be able to leave soon after 6 pm so little ones can get to bed.

Not held in August

Lent Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Private Home
10 Phillipps Road Barham

This year we have a range of Lent Groups to choose from, see attached poster for details.

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Lent Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
On Zoom
Contact Wendy on [email protected]

This year we have a range of Lent Groups to choose from. See attached poster for details.

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Ash Wednesday Communion

for 1 hour
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

Includes optional ashing

Ash Wednesday Services

for 1 hour
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

We have two Ash Wednesday Services, 10.00am at Barham Church and 7.00pm at Henley Church, both with optional Ashing. Everyone welcome

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Ash Wednesday

for 1 hour
Henley: St Peter
Church Lane Henley Ipswich, IP6 0RQ, United Kingdom

We have two Ash Wednesday Services, 10.00am at Barham Church and 7.00pm at Henley Church, both with optional Ashing. Everyone welcome

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Lent Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

This year we have a range of Lent Groups to choose from. See attached poster for details.

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Service of Compline (Night Prayer) during Lent

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until

A short evening service to draw us prayerfully into the night…

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Lent Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Private Home
20 Lincoln Gardens Claydon

This year we have a range of Lent Groups to choose from. See attached poster for details.

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Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

An important meeting to review the past year and to look forward to the next. The Churchwardens and PCC members are elected at this meeting so it is important that as many as possible of those named on the Church Electoral Roll are present.

Stations of The Cross

for 1 hour
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

Simple service for Holy Week. Followed by Hot Cross Buns

Good Friday Children's workshop, Hot Cross Buns for all and All age worship

for 2 hours
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

This traditional event in our Church Calender starts at 10am with Children with parents in the hall doing various crafts etc associated with the Good Friday Story. At 11 others are invited to join us for Hot Cross Buns before we all move to the Church at about 11.30 for a short all-age worship

Annual Church Fete

for 2 hours, 30 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

The annual Church fete is on Saturday 7th June 2025 in the grounds of Barham Church starting at 2.00pm. This event is very much part of our village life having taken place every year for over 70 years come rain or shine (but not a COVID lockdown!). It is a great opportunity to get out and meet up with old friends and to meet new ones. Whilst it is a fundraising event, success is measured more my the fact that people enjoy it rather than the amount of money made so an effort is always made to ensure that it is fun and affordable for all ages. We will have all the traditional side shows to try your skill/luck at as well as bargains in next-to-new, white elephant. books and produce. If you want to buy a home-made cake make sure you are not late as this is always one of the most popular stalls. There will be a bouncy castle there for the youngsters.

Offers of help or stock for stalls, bottles for the bottle tombola or prizes for the main raffle would be much appreciated. Please contact .

Jonathan Dedman on 01473 830890 or email [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you there. If it is wet, please still turn out as there will be plenty of tents to shelter in.

Footnote - we have a long standing policy for this event that we do not have any commercial stalls as space is limited and also so that those attending know that all proceeds go to towards the maintenance and improvement of the Parish Church.

Barham Hall Open Air Band Concert 2025

for 4 hours, 30 mins
Barham Hall
Barham Hall, Opposite the Church in Barham Church Lane, IP6 0PT

Open Air Band Concert in the beautiful gardens of Barham Hall. We are pleased to announce that we have for the fifth year booked the function band "It's Fete" as our main entertainers. It promises to be another great evening Get your picnic baskets out and bring your own food and drink. Gates open at 5.30pm to allow time for garden viewing prior to the music starting at 7pm and finishing around 10pm. Entry by ticket only available from 1st April . Early booking price is £15 until the Church Fete on 7th June, after which the full price of £18 will be payable. Please send cheque with attached booking form and stamped addressed envelope to "Band Concert", 5 Phillipps Road, Barham Ipswich IP6 0AZ or make a bank transfer (Bank details on attached booking form). If you prefer to send form by email to [email protected] and pay by bank transfer and, if you live outside Claydon & Barham' please add £1 to cover postage of your tickets.

J-Team holiday club

for 6 hours
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

A three-day holiday club for primary school aged children

Harvest Festival

for 1 hour, 10 mins
The Parish Church of Claydon & Barham,
Church Lane Barham Ipswich, IP6 0PT, United Kingdom

Harvest Festival Communion for all ages. If you haven't been to Church for a while this is and ideal service to come back to. Thanksgiving gifts of tinned soup, coffee, sugar, tinned sandwich fillings (eg ham, tuna, corned beef) for use on our Sunday evening Soup Kitchen runs in Ipswich will be most welcome. There is tea and coffee for all after the service and for those who have pre-booked a roast lunch at about 1pm (see separate event notice)

Remembrance Service

for 1 hour
The Church of St Mary & St Peter, Barham
The Church of St Mary & St Peter, Barham, Church Lane Claydon

Our service this week starts 30 minutes later than usual and will not include communion in order to incorporate an Act of Remembrance and the Silence at 11am. Wreaths will be laid on the War Memorials in the Church commemorating those from each village who died in the First and Second World Wars. All ages are welcome

5th Sunday Benefice Communion

Sunday 29 December 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mary's Gt Blakenham
St Mary's Gt Blakenham

A time for all three Churches to share communion together.