New Priest Appointed after 13 months of Interregnum. Licensing and Celebration dates set

The following announcement was made by Rev Cathy Austin at the end of the 10am service on 25th Aprilduring which our new bell installation was blessed by Bishop Mike

“The Right Revd Martin Seeley, the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, is delighted to announce that The Revd Canon Mark Haworth has been appointed as Interim Priest in Charge of the Benefice of Claydon (comprising the parish of Claydon and Barham, the parish of Great Blakenham and the parish of Henley). Mark is currently House for Duty Priest at Exning St Martin with Landwade. A date for Mark’s Licensing will be confirmed in due course.

The Bishop has asked me to pass on his thanks to the parish representatives and all those involved in the process of Mark’s appointment, and he assures you of his prayers. Please pray for Mark as he prepares for his move and for the people of Mark’s existing parishes of Exning St Martin with Landwade benefice”. 

We look forward to welcoming Mark into our Benefice"

The Revd Canon Mark Haworth is now to be licensed at a physical service in Barham Church on Monday 24 May. As congregation numbers will sadly still be very restricted, we will be holding a Celebration Service at which we can gather together in joyful harmony on Wednesday 30 June at 7.00pm, again at Barham Church. We are looking forward, very much, to working with and supporting Rev Mark in his ministry amongst us.