New Church Terrace Completed and Dedicated

Dedication talk.pdf Download

This new facility together with the three Eco 4-seater benches will be a great asset for the Church including the annual J-Team holiday club, the annual fete and Church BBQ as well after-Church Coffee and the weekly Friday drop-ins during the summer months. The terrace was designed and built by Mixbrow Ltd and the seating was built by Realise Futures CIC.  Contributing to our efforts to reach Eco Church status, no trees were felled to make the seating as it is totally constructed from material made from recycled plastic cups etc

The terrace construction was financed by a generous bequest from the late Graham Brand and the seating was bought with gifts in memory of, and moneys left by,  6 other departed members of our Church family. The terrace was dedicated to Graham's memory by Rev Tracey Caswell on Sunday 23rd July and the seating was dedicated to the memory of Keith Pilling, Claire Lunney, Peter Wright, Kathleen Newman, Eileen Croucher and Janet Jupp.

The photo shows the Terrace in use at the Church Fete the following week