
Our Sunday Services are every Sunday at 0930. For all and any midweek events, please consult our main website.

Getting here

Welcome to All Saints Anglican Church!

All Saints Amersfoort is a newly established Anglican Church in our city - we were started only in December 2015!

We are an English speaking church and our services - every Sunday - are in the English language. We are part of Holy Trinity Anglican Chaplaincy in Utrecht (which also includes the Anglican Church in Zwolle and Grace Church in Groningen).

What is important to us? What would be our Vision? Well we want to be an  “Open-Door” Anglican Church for all kinds of people regardless their background, especially for English-speaking people (e.g., expatriates, internationals, and asylum seekers). We want to be a church for all ages and all sorts - for both young and elderly (and those inbetween!), for students, for expats and internationals, for asylum seekers, for visitors, for tourists. We also want to be a home for all who are searching for and need pastoral care. We also see ourselves as part of the Body of Christ in Amersfoort and so we want to work together with other local churches in order for further God's kingdom.

All Saints Anglican Church seeks to be like a family with a high concern for people.  We want to encourage a feeling of community, with opportunities for all to use and express the spiritual gifts, the passions and the taught and natural abilities God has given each Christian. We hope to be a church that can be described as friendly, growing deeper spiritually, a church that is actively part of God's mission of service and gospel proclamation in our city, empowered and led by the Holy Spirit.


And if you visit us, what would you find? We hope a warm welcome! Our services follow the Anglican liturgy of Common Worship and are eucharistic focused. We have a mixture of Sundays laid by organ and by music group. Each Sunday - except for th fifth Sunday of the month - we have a service of Holy Communion. We provide a manned creche for children up to 4; and we have Sunday school groups for ages 4-7 and 8-12 years old. There is refreshments after every service. And once a month - at our All Age Service - we have a shared informal buffet meal (called the Big Brunch!) straight after our service. Services begin at 9.30am and end around 11am.

As a young church, we are starting many things from scratch. So watch this space. At present we have a men's study group - once every 2 - 3 months (where around food, we discuss a theme relevant to our daily lives as Christians), and a monthly women's study group. We have a weekly communion (except during school holidays), on Thursday evenings - but do check our main website as occasionally we have to postpone or alter dates. We intend by Easter to have established a pattern of small groups which our members can join.



That is some information about us. You would be very welcome to visit us, to become part of our church family whether you are in the Netherlands for a few weeks, few months or the rest of you life!




Heiligenbergerweg 144,
3816 AN

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