
We are open every Sunday 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays 11.00am.  3rd Sunday 3pm Evensong  

Getting here

Beauchief Abbey is a unique place -  a Premonstratensian Abbey dating back to 1176 that became a 17th century family chapel which is now owned by the people of Sheffield and remains an active worshipping church community.  The Abbey is set in acres of parkland for you to to discover. 

We invite you to join our services on a Sunday or join us for a coffee afterwards.  Our services are traditional using the 1662 book of Common  Prayer.  Technically Beauchief Abbey is a Liberty within the Diocese of Sheffield.  We are unusal as our services are led by volunteer clergy and the running of the church is organised by the congregation. 



Beauchief Abbey Lane
S8 7BD

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