THE HUB CAFÉOpen 10-1.30pm, Tues-Thurs, our volunteers welcome customers to our cosy community café for delicious homemade cakes, light lunches and a friendly chat.SATURDAY BREAKFASTS/FARMERS MARKETHeld on the 1st and 2nd Saturdays of the month,10-1pm, we need help in the kitchen and serving in the Hub.ONE-OFF EVENTS,Quiz Nights, Bingo, Supper Evenings and the annual Cotford Dog Show are also organised by volunteers. New ideas for events are also welcome.If you can spare a few hours during the week or at weekends, please leave a message on our Facebook page or pop into The Hub Cafe on Tues/Weds morning & speak to Roberta or Jane.Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Fridays during term time between 10 and 11.30am£1-2 donation per familySt Luke's Centre, Roger's Walk, Cotford St Luke