Safeguarding Information

Chaplaincy Services’ (RAF) Safeguarding Contact Details

The Royal Air Force Chaplains’ Branch

Chaplaincy Services (RAF)

Headquarters Air Command

Valiant Building

RAF High Wycombe


HP14 4UE

Tel No: 01494 496264

The RAF Chaplains Branch Safeguarding Team is:

Head of Chaplains’ Branch Safeguarding Team:

Deputy Chaplain-in-Chief Personnel 01494 496309

The Chaplains’ Branch Safeguarding Co-ordinator:

Staff Chaplain 01494 497595

The Chaplains’ Branch Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator:

The Rev Chris Carre Please contact Office Manager for up to date contact details

The Chaplains’ Branch Safeguarding Administration Support*

Office Manager 01494 497387

* The Chaplains’ Branch Safeguarding Administration Support is the point of contact of all matters relating to the recruitment process, DBS applications and updating of information.

St Clement Danes Church

Safeguarding Contact Details

Church Safeguarding Co-ordinator:

The Revd David Osborn 0207 242 8282

Church Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator:

Mrs Sharon Hardwick 0207 242 8282


The Church’s designated ‘Independent Person’ is Di Bentley who can be contacted on 0207 837 2772

Local Authority Children’s Social Services:

Westminster Children’s Social Services office telephone number (office hours) is 0207641 4000: out of hours emergency number is 020 7641 6000

Local Authority Adult Social Services:

The local Westminster Adult Social Services office telephone number (office hours) is 0207641 2500: out of hours emergency number is 020 7641 6000

Local Police Child Protection Team:

The Metropolitan Police Child Protection Team: phone 101. In an emergency dial 999.

Chaplaincy Services’ (RAF) Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy Statement

• Chaplaincy Services of The Royal Air Force, in every aspect of its life and work, is committed to and will champion the protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults, both in society as a whole and in its own communities.

• It accepts, endorses and will implement the principles enshrined in the Children Act 2004 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 that the welfare of Vulnerable Groups is paramount.

• Chaplaincy Services (RAF) will foster and encourage best practice within Royal Air Force communities by implementing its Code of Good Practice, careful recruiting, setting standards for working with Vulnerable Groups, and by supporting parents and guardians in the care of children.

• It will work with military and civilian statutory bodies, voluntary agencies and other faith communities to promote the safety and well-being of children, young people and vulnerable adults and will take all possible steps to keep them safe from physical, emotional and sexual harm.

• It is committed to acting promptly whenever a concern is raised about a child, young person or vulnerable adult or about the behaviour of an adult, and will work with the appropriate statutory bodies when an investigation into abuse is necessary

Chaplaincy Services’ (RAF) Code of Good Safeguarding Practice

A safe environment, free from abuse or the fear of abuse, must be created and fostered through the implementation of the following standards for working with Vulnerable Groups. The following ten statements are derived from the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS). Royal Air Force Chaplaincies must:

• Adhere to the Chaplaincy Services’ (RAF) Safeguarding Policy.

• Develop Safeguarding awareness and provide training.

• Follow the formal recruitment policy for both paid and voluntary workers. All workers should have clear roles.

• Appropriately manage and supervise all paid and unpaid workers.

• Adopt safe working practice.

• Ensure that workers know how to talk, listen and relate to children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom they come into contact.

• Develop in workers awareness of the issues surrounding abuse, recognition of possible signs of abuse and appropriate response to Safeguarding concerns.

• Ensure pastoral care and support is available to those affected by abuse.

• Supervise and manage those who pose a Safeguarding risk.

• Take immediate action in reporting Safeguarding concerns to the appropriate statutory authorities.