Facilities and features


Two modern toilets

Portable unit that can be wheeled into the Disabled Toilet

Car Park / Parking Available

Two modern toilets one of which is wheelchair friendly with Baby Changing facilities

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Dementia Aware / Accessible

No steps at entrance and in main body of church

Our Building

Some Medieval

Warm Space

Grade 1

Music and Worship

Ringers meet to practice on Mondays at 7.30 pm

Check regularly for updates on upcoming concerts

Organ music every second and fourth Sundays

Sundays at 8.30 am

Groups, Courses and Activities

The church is open every Saturday from 10am until 12 noon for refreshments, a chat or quiet reflection.

Meets Thursdays in term time from 9.30 am

We are a collection point for the Peninsula Period Poverty initiative which supplies sanitary products and underwear to girls in our local schools. We also collect food and toiletries for our local Women's Refuge.

Several members volunteer with the Medway Street Pastors.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

Our recently updated Church guide and history book is available for £8.50

We sell a small range of merchandise to help raise funds for the upkeep of our church.

Every Saturday from 10 am until noon. Refreshments available.

Dog friendly

Other Features

We collect items for the local Women's Refuge.