Facilities and features


Wheelchair access, male/female.

In toilet area.

On verge opposite church or down road in Cavendish Hall carpark.

Wheelchair friendly.

Room for 2 vehicles.

Level entrance.

Some hymn books, bibles and service sheets.


Our Building

Grade II listed.

Music and Worship

Main services

Occasional recitals and concerts, see events:



8 am holy communion

At main services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Burials in the nave.

Advent and Lent.


Shared events with library at least twice a year.

Annual events during school summer holidays

Regular monthly meetings/

We support "Tiny Toes"

Help for Visitors

History of church booklets and lending library.

Daily dawn to dusk.

Other Features

Stalls during Fairtrade fortnight.

Collections made.

"The Rock" is available for small meetings, etc.