Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St James in the City
Upper Parliament Street Liverpool, L8 1UR, United Kingdom

Our 10.30am service is contemporary in style and has provision for children from 0-10 years-old. We always have a couple of all-age songs and time and space to meet with God and to hear from his word. Join us from 10am for coffee and pastries. For more details, go to our website (
This event is now live-streamed on our YouTube channel (

Sunday Afternoon Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St James in the City
Upper Parliament Street Liverpool, L8 1UR, United Kingdom

Our 4pm service is contemporary and has provision for children and youth of all ages. We always have a couple of all-age songs, time and space to meet with God and hear from his word. We usually have pizza or bagels after the service. For more information, visit our website (
This event is live-streamed on our YouTube channel (

Student Connect

Every Monday at for 4 hours, 30 mins
St James in the City
Upper Parliament Street Liverpool, L8 1UR, United Kingdom

A gathering for students from any university to eat together, worship and study the bible. Do email [email protected] or DM us on @stj_students

STJ Football

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Liverpool Aquatics Centre
Liverpool Aquatics Centre, Wellington Rd, Liverpool, L15 4LE, United Kingdom

A social activity for men aged 16+ every Wednesday at Wavertree Aquatics Centre, 8-9pm.

STJ Minis

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St James in the City
Upper Parliament Street Liverpool, L8 1UR, United Kingdom

Our Parent and Toddler group meets weekly in church for food, singing, crafts and playing! Tea and coffee with biscuits/cake are provided for parents.
Families can stay longer for Minis Extra - lunch is provided followed by a time of spiritual reflection.

Youth Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James in the City
Upper Parliament Street Liverpool, L8 1UR, United Kingdom

Youth Group (year 6+) is a fun space for teens to hang out, with games, food, consoles, and a tuc shop!