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The Mary Harris Memorial Chapel is a contemporary and inspirational space for quiet prayer and community worship, served by an Anglican priest and pastoral support team. Everyone is welcome to visit the chapel, or the chaplaincy rooms in the Old Library, for support with spiritual and personal issues, or to use the quiet rooms to relax and enjoy hospitality.
The Anglican Chaplaincy is a community of Prayer, Hospitality, Compassion and Study. We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, who taught 2000 years ago that we should love God with heart, soul, mind and strength; and love our neighbour as ourself. We support the whole University and local community regardless of creed, race, gender or sexuality. We hope to be inclusive, non-judgemental and compassionate, and to offer a warm welcome to all.
The chapel, known in full as the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel of the Holy Trinity, was designed and presented to the University by Dr E. Vincent Harris, OBE, in memory of his mother. It was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Exeter on 26 June 1958 and declared a Grade II Listed Building at Easter 1988. Staff, students and visitors are welcome to Holy Communion on Sundays at 11am and Choral Evensong on Wednesdays at 5pm.
Prince of Wales Road
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