You’re invited to church this Christmas!

You are very welcome at our Advent and Christmas services and events – bring your family and friends or come along on your own. Whether it will be your first time at church or you have been before, we look forward to welcoming you!

for 30 mins
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
Before our celebration of the Nativity of Jesus gets underway, on Tuesday morning we will gather at the altar to celebrate the last mass of the Advent season.
for 45 mins
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
Our observance of Christingle (with a collection for the Childrens' Society) also includes a simple celebration of the eucharist and the giving of holy communion. This is the first of our Christmas services, technically a vigil mass of Christmas. We are after 12 noon on Christmas Eve, so the feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ has now begun.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
At the heart of our Christmas worship is our gathering in church for Midnight Mass and the Blessing of the Crib. The gospels lead us to think that Jesus was born at night and from very early on in the history of the Church on this night the eucharist was celebrated in the middle of the night. So we do today.
for 30 mins
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
Sometimes called "the Shepherds' Mass" because it is thought to mark approximately when the shepherds would have been at the crib, the eucharist is celebrated simply at 8am on Christmas Day.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
Our festival mass for Christmas morning.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Chorley Road Swinton Salford, M27 0WA, United Kingdom
The day after Christmas, Boxing Day, is also the feats of Saint Stephen. There used to be a Saint Stephen's Church and School in this parish so we try to mark Saint Stephen's Day with some style and with a festival mass.