
Each year we usually organise two or three pilgrimages from our parish. Pilgrimage is a very ancient Christian practice and it is, of course, practised by many other religions as well - one only needs to think about the great pilgrimages of Hinduism and Islam. The journeying reminds us of our journey through life and our goal of heaven, and by being on pilgrimage we are reminded that the church is called to be the pilgrim people of God. Often we will find that the whole business of being away from our own home and our own daily routine can make us more attentive to the things of God. And many will find that in places of pilgrimage prayer comes particularly easily. 

In particular, we have a residential pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk, England premier place of pilgrimage and hailed by Radio 4 as the nation's favourite holy place, each year. This pilgrimage this year will be October 6 to October 10. There are also usually a number of people from the parish who attend the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham in late May. 

A number of people from the parish will also be joining the Anglican pilgrimage at Ladyewell outside Preston on June 7. 

The programme for our branch of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham is on the Parish Organisations page. 

In the past a group of us made a very enjoyable pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Melangell in mid-Wales and another group of us joined the annual pilgrimage organised at the Holy Well at Thornton-in-Craven. We are hoping to organise some similar day pilgrimages this year.