Concerts, Choral Music and our magnificent Peter Collins Organ

The wonderful acoustic in the Church makes it a popular venue for concerts. Benjamin Britten famously premiered Noyes Fludde here, and the musical life of the church is vibrant.   

To see what Concerts are planned in the next few months, please download the file below .

The church choir numbering about 20 drawn from the Wilford Benefice sings regularly at evensong and special services and there is Sung Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. 

The Peter Collins organ which accompanies the choir was gifted by Southampton University in 2019: it is one of the most important organs in East Anglia and has almost 2000 pipes and 28 stops. The instrument’s palette of sounds is based on 18th-century North German models of Bach's time. You can listen to Music Director Graeme Kay playing the organ in the You tube clip above.

Concertgoers :please note there is no toilet in the church . The nearest Toilet facilities to the church are in Baker's Lane , off the Town square . The nearest level access (disabled ) toilet is attached to the right of the toilet block in the Quay car park .