To make a booking please first contact Caroline Gill the booking secretary . (Address and email at the bottom of the page)
When you have agreed on a date and cost of hire please download and complete the booking form which is available at the bottom of the page.
Please note bookings are not confirmed until a form has been received.
Pricing structure for hire of St Bartholomew’s Church Orford
Standard rate
>For any part of one day and or evening £450+ heating costs
>Two consecutive days hire £650+ heating costs. (This includes using the church for set up /rehearsal )
Rate for local Charities
> £125 per days hire or 10% of profit from event whichever is least .
Note the charity must be in Orford cluster parishes and a booking form must be completed.
>Heating £75 per session for both standard and local rate and recording .
The Church will exercise some flexibility in respect of hire by charitable institutions. For example, the Church would be prepared to waive the hire fee if the profit from ticket monies or donations were given to the Church.
Rate for hire for recording
> For any part of one day £450 plus heating costs .
Hirers please note there is no toilet in the church . The nearest Toilet facilities to the church are in Baker's Lane , off the Town square . The nearest level access (disabled ) toilet is attached to the right of the toilet block in the Quay car park
.For further information about booking please contact the PCC secretary , Caroline Gill 01394 450302 [email protected]