Daily Morning Prayer

Every day at for 25 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

Start the day with 25 minutes of prayer. Morning prayer is held in the church and is live streamed day except Wednesday. The Saturday service is live streamed but not from church.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

Traditional 30 minute BCP Eucharist following the iconic 16th Century rite. This service is rich and wonderfully deep in its use of poetical Elizabethan language.

Sung Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 5 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

Our main service on Sunday mornings is a family Eucharist (Holy Communion) with choir. The Young Saints Sunday School meets every week, but children are also welcome to stay in church if they would prefer. Some of the Young Saints are members of the choir and others serve at the altar. A few are members of the “Stream Team”, ensuring that our live-streamed service reaches those at home who are worshipping remotely. Coffee/tea follows morning Sunday worship in the nave of the Old Church.

Wholeness and Healing Service

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

A quiet and reflective midweek healing Eucharist is held each Tuesday at 12.15 in the Old Church. Feel free to bring a lunch; the service is followed by tea/coffee.
Healing, reconciliation and restoration are integral to the good news of Jesus Christ. For this reason prayer for individuals, focused through laying on of hands or anointing with oil, has a proper place within the public prayer of the Church. God’s gracious activity of healing is to be seen both as part of the proclaiming of the good news and as an outworking of the presence of the Spirit in the life of the Church.

Mid-Week Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

An invigorating spiritual top-up for the middle of the week followed by tea/coffee in the Old Church.

All Saints' Tots

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

A lovely relaxed and friendly parent and toddler group - all most welcome.

During School Term Time

Lectio Divina

Monthly. Every Third Friday at for 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

A simple reflective Bible Study in the Ignatian tradition. Good for people of all levels of faith. Gentle and internally transformative without being uncomfortable.

Bereavement Group

Monthly. Every Last Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

A relaxed and pleasant gathering over afternoon tea, offering fellowship and support to those who have recently lost someone close to them and those who are struggling with their grief.

Contemplative Prayer

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 30 mins
All Saints', the Parish Church of Orpington.
Bark Hart Road Orpington, BR6 0EU, United Kingdom

This is a short form of Morning Prayer which incorporates 20 minutes of silence at its centre. It is a wonderful way to touch base with God in stillness amidst a very busy world. All are most welcome. Come, find a little space for God.