STF Mackworth Football

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

Weekly football at Rykneld Sports Centre for all abilities. We have 3 main values: having, fun, maintaining fitness and forming fellowship. This is a very warm and welcoming group open to all adults regardless of whether you go to church. Please click on 'Get in Touch' for more info.
Over 18s only.

Little Lights Stay and Play

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

A play group for babies and toddlers with their parents and carers. Toys, snacks, sensory play and a Bible story and song time to close. No need to book.
Term time only

Term time only

Open Door Coffee Morning

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

Tea, coffee, homemade cake and chat. An informal and friendly space to drop in to. You are so welcome!

9am Traditional Service in person

Every Sunday at for 50 mins
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

The 9am service is a more traditional said "liturgical" service (ie using official wording and responses) and we will receive communion (the bread and wine). All the words are on the screens. We usually have a couple of hymns and we use screens and PA system to play them and to sing to. We are receiving communion by our seats via "intinction" which means the priest will come round and dip the wafer in the wine and give it you.

Refreshments are served after the 9am service in the church and before the 1030am service.

If you prefer a more modern feel to the service, please do join us at 1030am.

1045am Modern Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

You are invited.

There is no dress code, there will be people to welcome you on the door if you don't know what to do, there is some parking on site. Almost every week we have people who are new to church so if you are not used to coming to church you will not be the odd one out and lots of our church have been part of St Francis for under a year.

The service lasts about an hour and ten minutes with kids and youth going out most weeks to groups. There are prayers, songs, Bible readings and a talk. There is tea and coffee beforehand from about 10am. Once a month we have communion in the service (receive bread and wine as Jesus called His followers to do.)

This is our more modern service at 1045am, if you prefer a more quiet reflective service do join us at 9am.

St Francis Live Online at 4pm on Facebook and YouTube

Every Sunday at for 35 mins
St Francis Mackworth (@stfmackworth)
Prince Charles Avenue Mackworth Derby, DE22 4FN, United Kingdom

Church for those who are new to church aimed for people on Mackworth estate

This is a relaxed service for about 45 minutes, with a couple of modern songs, some prayers, a bible reading and a talk that seeks to connect the truth about Jesus to our day to day lives.

We try not to take ourselves too seriously, but we take Jesus really seriously!