for 1 hour
Venue Address
Monks Eleigh, St Peter, Church Hill Monks Eleigh Ipwich, IP7 7LG, United Kingdom
Our Christingle service this year is being held early in Advent and once again it will be taking place at St Peters Church, Monks Eleigh.

During this service we are all invited to make a Christingle candle and we will be given parts of it to make up as we go through the service so each person will be given an orange, a band of red tape, 4 sets of sweets and raisins and most importantly a candle which we will light at the end of the service.

This Christingle candle represents God bringing Jesus, the light of the world, to everyone here on earth. So if you feel like having fun and making a Christingle candle with us then please come and be part of the joy which is the Christingle service.

Milden, St Peter

Get in touch

Rev. Mike Birt

The Rectory,
The Street,
Monks Eleigh,

Priest in Charge
01449 740623
What's on


for 1 hour
Monks Eleigh, St Peter
Monks Eleigh, St Peter, Church Hill Monks Eleigh Ipwich, IP7 7LG, United Kingdom

Our Christingle service this year is being held early in Advent and once again it will be taking place at St Peters Church, Monks Eleigh.

During this service we are all invited to make a Christingle candle and we will be given parts of it to make up as we go through the service so each person will be given an orange, a band of red tape, 4 sets of sweets and raisins and most importantly a candle which we will light at the end of the service.

This Christingle candle represents God bringing Jesus, the light of the world, to everyone here on earth. So if you feel like having fun and making a Christingle candle with us then please come and be part of the joy which is the Christingle service.