Message from our Electoral Roll Officer [07.05.2024]

Electoral Roll 2023- v3 (no addresses).pdf Download
St-Lukes-electoral-roll-form-2024.pdf Download
Nomination paper_COUNCIL_MEMBER_St Luke.pdf Download
Nomination paper_CHURCHWARDEN_St Luke.pdf Download
Notices Church_news

Dear friends of St Luke's,

In preparation for the upcoming Annual Chaplaincy Meeting (ACM) on Sunday 26 May 2024, it is time to update our Electoral Roll for the coming year. Anyone can attend the 2024 ACM, however only people appearing on the 2024 Electoral Roll will have the right of vote. You will find the 2023 Electoral Roll attached for your information.

Under the Church Representation Rules any persons are entitled to have their names entered on the roll if they:

- are baptised and aged 18 or over

- have signed a form of application for enrolment (attached)

and either:

- are a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and are normally resident in the area covered by the church

- OR are a member of the Church of England (or a Church in communion with the Church of England) and, not being normally resident, have habitually attended public worship in the church during the period of six months prior to enrolment

- OR are a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and have habitually attended public worship in the church during the period of six months prior to enrolment

If you fulfil the criteria above and would like your name to appear on the Electoral Roll for 2024, please complete the form attached and email or return to the Church Secretary or to a member of the Council (by hand, by e-mail or by post) by Wednesday May 15th 2024 at the latest. Forms will also be available in church each Sunday.

If your name appears on the list, you fulfil the above criteria and you would like to remain on the list, no action is required. If you would like to remove your name from the list, please let me know.

If you wish to apply for the positions of Churchwarden or Church Council member, please update the relevant form and email or return them to the Church Secretary at the latest on the day of the ACM.

For any questions, please feel free to contact me (as the Electoral Roll Officer) or speak to one of the Churchwardens (Leigh or Patrick).

Kind regards,

Avril Bateman
Electoral Roll Officer
St Luke's Fontainebleau