Message from our new Chaplain [04.11.2023]

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To the congregation of St Luke’s Church, Fontainebleau, for Sunday 5thNovember 2023, from Revd Dr Donald McFadyen
Today, which here in the Warmington Benefice we are celebrating as All Saints’
Sunday, it seems right to address you as the ‘Saints of Fontainebleau’! Warm greetingsfrom Netta and me.
Last Sunday I told the benefice that I had been appointed Chaplain of St Luke’s andtherefore we were moving on. Such announcements are never easy - tears wereshed on both sides - and are only bearable because we are convinced that it is Godwho has called us to come and be with you. As Archdeacon Peter Hooper hasremarked about the way things have fitted into place, ‘This has God all over it.’ Weare therefore very excited about what the future will hold, and look forward tomoving to Fontainebleau and getting to know all of you as we serve God together.
In the meantime, and as the Good Book says, to another group of saints:‘Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand withoutblemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing, to the only God our Saviour,through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all timeand now and for ever. Amen.’ (Jude, 24-5)