Upcoming Events & News (Q3-Q4 2023)

Church_news Community_news Advent christmas

Please note we have many things happening in the next couple of weeks to add to your calendars :

October 20th at 11 am : M&M Women's Bible Study at Dawn's. Contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Saturday 21 October: Vestry cleaning from 9:30 All (ages) are welcome to join in. We plan on emptying the vestry and giving it a thorough clean out to then put it all back together in some useful order. We will need a tall step ladder, bin bags, mops and "serpières", cleaning products, cloths, and a vacuum cleaner. Flasks of coffee and refreshments would be lovely too. Contact: [email protected] 06 2649 1375

Sunday 29th: Choir Practice meeting for Carol Service after church. If you would like to join the choir, contact [email protected]

3-5 November Ministry Weekend : Tyndale Seminary Group (Housing needed) We will have a group of students from the Tyndale Theological Seminary coming to Fontainebleau. This is a seminary that provides full ride scholarships for students from the developing world. The Dean, Ken Moser, visited St Luke's many years ago when Bill Wilson was our chaplain." 

- We have a little team of students who are voluntarily serving churches by running whole services and we thought it would be great if we could run a weekend of things for your congregation. We would love to be able to use the weekend to bless your church and give the students an opportunity for ministry experience alongside us.3-5 November

-  Friday evening youth group meeting

- Saturday morning Men’s breakfast 

- Sunday morning church service"

Needed : housing for up to 14 students, the average age is 27 for Friday 3rd Nov and Saturday 4th Nov. Contact Leigh if you can offer a room or two or three....[email protected] , 06 2649 1375

Friday 10th Nov: Council Meeting

Saturday Nov 11th: Cheese and Wine with Les Amis Contact [email protected]

Sunday Dec 10th: Evening Carol Service. Mulled Wine and Table top Christmas sale following. Contact

Friday,Dec 22 evening: Carol singing at Chateau de Fleury with Les Amis. Contact [email protected]

Weekly Rota Sign up : Volunteers needed and much appreciated! PLEASE SIGN UP HERE (GENIUS) - Contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Upcoming Sunday Services

Oct 22: Ministry Team (Nancy Austin)

Oct 29: Reverend Gary Wilton and his wife, Gillian, Holy Communion

Nov 5th: Tyndale Seminary Group with Nancy Austin

Nov 12th: Father Grant Holmes Remembrance Service, Holy Communion

Nov 19th: Father Grant Holmes, Holy Communion

Nov 26th: Ministry Team (Mike, Glenys & Deigan) Christ the King

Dec 3rd: Ministry Team (Christopher & Barbara) Advent Sunday

Dec 10th: Ministry Team (Marie-Celine & Rachel) Christingle Service

Dec 10th Evening: Ministry Team (Nancy & Glenys) Carol Service

Dec 17th: Revered Adam Thomas, Holy Communion

Dec 24th: Ministry Team (Nancy Austin)

December 24th EVENING: Service at Eglise Réformée