Archdeacon Peter Hooper visiting Saint-Luke's


Join us this Sunday for a special worship service led by Archdeacon Peter!

We are excited to have The Venerable Dr Peter Hooper, Archdeacon of France and Monaco, guide us in our worship experience this on Sunday July 2nd, 2023. During last week's ACM many questions and comments were shared about the life of St Luke's; our future and direction. Archdeacon will hold a Q&A session, following the service, where we can continue these discussions.

Afterwards, let's come together as a community and enjoy fellowship during a potluck lunch on the church grounds.

This event is open to all. Whether you're a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we welcome you to join us for this uplifting day of worship, learning, and connecting with one another. We encourage everyone to bring a dish to share. And please bring your own serving pieces, utensils, plates, and glasses (and sun hats as we will use the picnic tables outside).

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

In Christ's love.