20241222-Carol Supper Invitation Pouget.pdf
Christmas Carols leaflet @Pouget 22Dec2024-v1.pdf

An invitation from Daniel and Annabel for a Carol Supper.

Church_news Advent

The Joint Christmas Eve service with the protestant church in Fontainebleau (EPUF) will take place at Saint-Luke's on 24.12.2024 from 6pm.

Church_news Community_news christmas
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A4.pdf
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A5.pdf

Invitation for Saint-Luke's Lessons and Carols service

Church_news Community_news christmas
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A4.pdf
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A5.pdf
20241222-Carol Supper Invitation Pouget.pdf
20241208-St Lukes Nativity play.pdf

The list of Christmas events and services at Saint-Luke's in Dec 2024.

Church_news Community_news christmas