A special newsletter to mark the start of this year's celebration of the Nicene Creed.pdf

A special newsletter from the Diocese centered on the celebration of the 1700 years of the Nicene Creed. The materials for this year's Lent Course were prepared by our Chaplain, the Revd Dr Donald McFadyen who will run 2 Zoom workshops in February.

SL Service Sheet - Christmas Eve - 24 December 2024-v2.pdf

The Joint Christmas Eve service with the protestant church in Fontainebleau (EPUF) will take place at Saint-Luke's on 24.12.2024 from 6pm.

Church_news Community_news christmas
20241222-Carol Supper Invitation Pouget.pdf
Christmas Carols leaflet @Pouget 22Dec2024-v1.pdf

An invitation from Daniel and Annabel for a Carol Supper.

Church_news Advent
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A4.pdf
20241207-St Lukes Carol Service A5.pdf

Invitation for Saint-Luke's Lessons and Carols service

Church_news Community_news christmas