1pm, Said Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 20 mins
St Giles in the Fields (in the West End of London)
60 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8LG, United Kingdom

A traditional and prayerful service in the middle of the week. The service is drawn from the Book of Common Prayer, with readings from the King James Bible. A short service, perfect for workers in and visitors to the West End.

Compline by Candlelight

Every Wednesday at for 20 mins
St Giles in the Fields (in the West End of London)
60 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8LG, United Kingdom

Join us for Compline by Candlelight at St Giles in the Fields. A short reflective service of ancient prayers sung to meditative chant. Located on Saint Giles High Street, London, this weekly (term-time) service offers space for tranquility and reflection at the end of the day.

The service is sung every Wednesday during University of London term time.

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 20 mins
St Giles in the Fields (in the West End of London)
60 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8LG, United Kingdom

A time of prayer and reflection to start the day

11AM, Sung Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 5 mins
St Giles in the Fields (in the West End of London)
60 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8LG, United Kingdom

A traditional service of Holy Communion drawn from the Book of Common Prayer (1662). Readings from the King James Bible. Music is led by the St Giles Quartet (four professional singers) and the organ. There is a sermon during this service.

6:30PM, Sung Evensong

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Giles in the Fields (in the West End of London)
60 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8LG, United Kingdom

A sung, traditional service led by the St Giles Choir from the Book of Common Prayer. The service includes sung settings of the psalmody, canticles, prayers, an anthem. Readings are from the King James Bible. The service ends with two hymns and a sermon, and is followed by an organ voluntary. On one evening a month this is a service of Choral Evensong, when the choir present a special setting for the psalms and canticles. See our website for more information.