Facilities and features
Including wheelchair accessible toilet in the main lobby and separate toilets in the Runway cafe
A changing table is available in main ladies toilet and in the disabled toilet.
Space for several bikes in 'sheffield' types stands.
Car parking between the church, scout hut and pavillion is owned and maintained by the PCC. The car park opposite the main door is not operated by the church but is available for public use.
Wheelchair accessible toilet in the main lobby
Located on an outside wall by the cycle stands
There is a kerb from the road to the main hall but beyond that access to the church door and beyond is flat. There is a ramp from the car park to the Runway coffee shop
Services use microphones linked to an induction loop
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
There is normally a monthly lunch club
There is a weekly parent and toddler group.
Help for Visitors
Free wifi is available when the Runway coffee shop is open
The Runway coffee shop is open four mornings a week
Other Features
We use fair trade items in our coffee shop
A foodbank operates twice a month
Services are amplified and most services use a projector for words and illustrations
To book the hall contact bookings [at symbol] martleshamcofe.org.uk