Mother's Union

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month at 2.00 pm in the Village Hall

Our Mother's Union meetings start with prayers and then we usually have speaker followed by tea and biscuits and a friendly chat.  Each year we go to the theatre, have a summer day out, a walk and meal on a summer evening and a Christmas Party as well as visiting other MU branches both socially and for services.  Our branch here at St Paul's has over 40 members with a commitment to helping make others lives better through raising money for our charities both overseas and here in the UK.  We enjoy the friendships we make through our Mothers Union and all the activities involved.

The Mother's Union is the largest women's organisation in the world with 4 million members. Its aims and objects are to support marriage and family life.

The work of the MU throughout the world is to help in areas where there is need through poverty, poor nutrition, HIV/Aids etc. and supports workers to educate people to overcome their problems leading to a better way of life

In the UK it has parenting groups, provides prison creches and reaches out to the community in many different ways.

If you would like to come to any of our meetings you will be very welcome.        

For more information please ring Amanda Barfoot (branch secretary) 01772 679925 or email [email protected].