We are a 'nomadic' community, of all ages and at different stages of faith journeys, who meet most Sundays afternoons at 4pm in various locations across our villages . We have a variety of informal gatherings ; pub or firepit socials, exploring topical issues (Café church), becoming like children (Messy Church), finding God in nature (Wild church) or our informal worship (Shine). We also are starting to develop other small 'Lightwave' groups such as a monthly Men's breakfast. On the first Sunday of the month (and Festivals) we join together with the wider church family (Family service). All are welcome ! Please see attached our Spring term dates with contact details for Nicky (Lay Pioneer) or Pam (Family and Children's worker).
Today is a sad day for the Church of England, however our first thoughts must go to the victims of abuse, and in particular those abused from a position of trust. At parish level we go to great lengths to make our church services and activities safe for vulnerable people - young and old alike. If you have any questions, or indeed if you want to talk to someone, please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself (01787 310 845) or our Safeguarding Officer Cheryl (07943 811030). Revd Lawson
Click here to read a recent notice sheet