<b>Grief Awareness Café</b><b> - Hull Minster - Second Wednesday of each month 10:30 am to 12 noon If you have experienced loss, why not come and join us. There will be coffee/ tea and cakes and an opportunity to chat, if you wish to do so. For further information contact: Rev. Irene 07711 996519 </b>
Ann of the Hull Sisters is asking for Prams, Microwaves and Laptops for several pregnant refugees with no stuff.They would also like Moses baskets for newborns, please.Please contact Ann on this email tomann.willis@gmail.comThey can be delivered to Hull Sisters at 12 Temple Street, HU5 1AB off Beverley Road.Thank you
If you are thinking of changing your Home Insurance then please consider getting a quote from Ecclesiastical Insurance. If you were to take out one of their polices then you can nominate a church to get £130. This money comes from the company not you, and we would be very grateful if you nominated St Peter’s Bilton (please note we are not recommending them as an insurer just asking you to consider them as they do household insurance as well as church insurance). Thank you
The Leading your Church into Growth Prayer for Growth God of mission Who alone brings growth to your Church, Send your Holy Spirit to give Vision to our planning, Wisdom to our actions, Joy to our worship, And power to our witness. Help our church to grow in numbers, In spiritual commitment to you, And in service to our local community, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer.