One of our churchwardens, Jill, visited Daylin's Florists in Haverhill to seek their support for our Flower Festival in August. Jill was greeted by Paula, one of the floristry students. Paula explained that the college had been changing premises and they had been left with nowhere to display their end-of-term assessed arrangements. Jill gave her contact details to Paula, who passed them on to Elaine, one of the college staff. Long story short, the students used the church to prepare and display their arrangements for assessment and show them to their family and friends. It was just a shame the displays were only in the church for a few days.Kedington Church is holding a Flower Festival the first weekend in August. Several of the students have agreed to assist with this event - for which we are very grateful. The photos show some of the students with their finished arrangements - see if you can spot the Rector, trying to blend in!
Charlotte and Carmine were joined by over 140 family and friends as they celebrated their marriage today in St Peter and St Paul's Church in Kedington. Fr Chris Giles lead the service. Paul Davis played the organ. A band of local bellringers rang the bells as the happy couple left the church. For a while we thought Charlotte was going to get wet as she walked with her Dad, from the Watermill to the church. But the rain stayed away and the afternoon and evening was warm and sunny.Sending you blessings, Charlotte and Carmine, from all at St Peter and St Paul's.
The Bishop celebrates a birthday later in the week so Helen Smith had made him a cake, which we all enjoyed. This is the last year before his retirement. As well as leading the diocese into a good place spiritually, he has turned the financial situation around. Bishop Martin commended the Benefice for consistently paying their parish share.