Good Friday Churches Together in Malvern - United Act of Witness

for 1 hour
Great Malvern Priory Churchyard
Great Malvern Priory Churchyard, Church Street, Great Malvern, Worcs,, WR14 2AY, United Kingdom

An outdoor service held in the churchyard of Great Malvern Priory.
Christians from across Malvern gather to sing and pray in this informal service, which is suitable for all ages.
Hot drinks and hot cross buns served afterwards in the Lyttelton Rooms.

St Mary & St Michael (The Priory)

Get in touch

The Revd Rod Corke

The Priory Vicarage
7 Clarence Road

WR14 3EN
Parish Office
(01684) 561020

Our website

What's on

Good Friday Churches Together in Malvern - United Act of Witness

for 1 hour
Great Malvern Priory Churchyard
Great Malvern Priory Churchyard, Church Street, Great Malvern, Worcs,, WR14 2AY, United Kingdom

An outdoor service held in the churchyard of Great Malvern Priory.
Christians from across Malvern gather to sing and pray in this informal service, which is suitable for all ages.
Hot drinks and hot cross buns served afterwards in the Lyttelton Rooms.