Sunday 4th FebruarySecond Sunday before Lent9.30 am CW Holy Communion, Athelington EG9.30 am BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne JM11.00 CW Holy Communion, Wingfield JM4.00 pm Messy Church, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall ML+teamSunday 11th FebruarySunday next before Lent9.30 am CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield EG9.30 for 10.00 am Café Church, Hoxne JMWednesday 14th FebruaryAsh Wednesday7.00 pm CW Holy Communion, Wingfield EG/JMSunday 18th FebruaryFirst Sunday of Lent9.30 am CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG10.00 am Village Service, Syleham ML11.00 am CW Holy Communion, Denham JM11.15 am BCP Holy Communion, Horham EG6.00 pm BCP Evensong, Wingfield with Jubilate singers JMSunday 25th FebruarySecond Sunday of Lent9.30 am BCP Holy Communion, Syleham EG11.00 CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG4.00 pm All Age service, Hoxne EGEG - Revd Eleanor Goodison JM - Revd John McCrackenRC - Revd Richard Court ML - Mary Lewis
Services for DecemberNB: there are lots of changes to our usual pattern of services – please check!Sunday 3rd December Advent Sunday9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne JM4.00 pm, Messy Church Christmas party, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall ML + team4.00 pm, Confirmation + commissioning of Lay Elder, Wingfield +Mike/EG4.00 pm, Advent Carol Service, Athelington RCSunday 10th December Second Sunday of Advent9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield JM9.30 for 10.00 am, Café Church, Hoxne EGSunday 17th December Third Sunday of Advent9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG11.00 am, Carol Service, Denham BI11.15 am, Carol Service, Syleham EG4.00 pm, Carol Service, Horham EG4.00 pm, Carols by Candlelight, Wingfield JMMonday 18th December 6.00 pm, Lessons and Carols, Hoxne EGTuesday 19th December6.00 pm, Carol Service, Redlingfield JMSaturday 23rd December6.00 pm, Crib Service, Athelington EGSunday 24th December Fourth Sunday of Advent/Christmas Eve11.00 am, Benefice Holy Communion, Hoxne EG3.00 pm, Live Nativity Denham Team11.30 pm, Midnight Service, Horham EGMonday 25th December Christmas Day9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield RC10.00 am, Christmas Celebration, Syleham ML11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham EG11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Wingfield JMSunday 31st December First Sunday of Christmas11.00 am, Benefice Holy Communion, Redlingfield EG/JM/RCEG - Revd Eleanor Goodison JM - Revd John McCrackenRC - Revd Richard Court ML - Mary Lewis
Services for November 2023Saturday 4th November4.00 pm, Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving, Hoxne EGSunday 5th NovemberAll Saints’ Sunday9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Athelington JM9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne EG11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Wingfield EG4.00 pm, Messy Church, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall ML + teamSunday 12th NovemberRemembrance Sunday9.00 am, BCP Holy Communion and Act of Remembrance, Wingfield JM10.45 am, Remembrance Service, Hoxne JM10.45 am, Remembrance Service, Redlingfield EG10.45 am, Remembrance Service, Syleham ML3.00 pm, Remembrance Service, Denham JM3.00 pm, Remembrance Service, Horham EGSunday 19th NovemberSecond Sunday before Advent9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG10.00 am, Village Service, Syleham ML11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham JM11.15 am, BCP Holy Communion, Horham EG6.00 pm, BCP Evensong, Wingfield JMSunday 26th NovemberChrist the King9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Syleham EG11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG4.00 pm, All Age service, Hoxne EGThursday 30th NovemberSt Andrew6.00 pm, Patronal Festival, Wingfield EGEG - Revd Eleanor Goodison JM - Revd John McCrackenRC - Revd Richard Court ML - Mary Lewis
Services for OctoberSunday 1st OctoberSeventeenth Sunday after Trinity9.30 am, Harvest Festival, Athelington EG9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne JM11.00 am, CW Holy Communion for Harvest, Wingfield JM4.00 pm, Messy Church, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall ML + teamSunday 8th OctoberEighteenth Sunday after Trinity9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield EG9.30 for 10.00 am, Café Church, Hoxne JM10.00 am, Harvest Festival, Syleham MLSunday 15th OctoberNineteenth Sunday after Trinity9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG10.00 am, Village Service, Syleham ML11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham EG11.15 am, Harvest Festival, Horham JM6.00 pm, BCP Evensong, Wingfield JMSunday 22nd OctoberTwentieth Sunday after Trinity9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Syleham EG11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EGSunday 29th OctoberLast Sunday after Trinity (Bible Sunday)11.00 am, Benefice Holy Communion, Denham JM4.00 pm, All Age service, Hoxne EGEG - Revd Eleanor Goodison JM - Revd John McCrackenRC - Revd Richard Court ML - Mary Lewis