Great Livermere, St Peter

Our wonderful church is open every day during daylight hours - do come and explore.

Donate to us

Help support the work of the church in Great Livermere

Get in touch

Rev Karen Burton Team Rector

The Vicarage
Commister Lane

IP31 2HE
Rev Karen Burton Team Rector
07546 491388
Rev Tony Redman, Associate Priest

Our website

What's on

Morning Prayer at Troston

Every Fourth Friday at for 30 mins
Troston Church
Troston Church, Church Lane Troston

A short service of Common Worship Morning Prayer


The Blackbourne Team Ministry is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We have adopted and adhere to the House of Bishops Promoting a Safer Church policies and procedures. We are currently going through a Safer Recruitment process for the role of Safeguarding Officer. Until this process is complete and we have a named and fully trained individual in place, please direct all your safeguarding concerns to either Karen Galloway- Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (07785621319)) or Shelley Thomas- Assistant Safeguarding Officer (07795974734), email [email protected]

Diocesan Safeguarding Page