Facilities and features
We have a toilet
Limited parking is available in the churchyard
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Printed materials can be supplied in large print on demand
Well-behaved dogs are always welcome
Our Building
Open every day between 10am and 4pm (winter) or 6pm (summer)
Silver Award
Our church building is grade II*
Music and Worship
Our friendly band of ringers welcome newcomers and visitors to our practice night - Fridays from 7.30 until 9pm.
Concerts / Live Music
Played at services and music events
Evensong at 6pm every 1st Sunday
Groups, Courses and Activities
Nurture Courses
Messy Church
Help for Visitors
Free wifi
Guidebooks / Notes
Every day
Other Features
Tea and coffee served following services and at selected events
A Little Pantry is situated at the churchyard gate
Smart TV
Our churchyard is carefully magaged for wildlife