About Us

Welcome to the church of St Mary, Ixworth.

We are a welcoming church in the heart of our village. We have Common Worship Communion services every Sunday at 9.30am and and Morning Prayer is said in the church every Thursday at 9am.  

We hold a lively Messy Church at 10am on the fourth Sunday of the month.

​We have good links with the Church of England Primary School in the village, who regularly come to church to celebrate the seasons of the church year. Several of us are School Governors and are very proud of the work we do there. We also have an Open the Book team who go into school to act out Bible stories on a regular basis.

​We hold a weekly Coffee Morning at 10am on Thursdays, so do come along for company and chatter!

​We support parishioners in the residential homes in the village, taking communion and leading singing.

The fine church at Ixworth reflects the importance of the little town in the Middle Ages. It dates from the 14th century, and was substantially enlarged during the 15th and early 16th centuries. Built of flint, some knapped, it is set slightly back from the High Street. The south porch and doorway both date from the 14th century. Look up to the roof of the five-bayed 15th-century nave where angels with spread wings gaze down from the ends of the braces. Alterations were made in the mid 19th century when the vestry was built and the 14th-century chancel much changed. The great west tower was built in the late 15th century, with walls six feet thick. Its buttresses, plinth and parapet are decorated with panels of knapped flint.

​Ixworth has a peal of eight bells, two of which were added in this century, and a fine late-Victorian organ. Bell Teams from other churches often come to ring.

For more information on our church and on our parish please follow this link to our team website - IXWORTH | Blackbourne-Team (blackbourneteamministry.org)